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Region 11 has 19 counties and has over 200 children and youth waiting to be adopted.

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19 counties in Region 11.png


The Heart Gallery of South Texas is one of the 11 galleries in the Heart Galleries of Texas.  Each Region (as defined by the Department of Family Protective Services) has a Heart Gallery featuring children and youth from their region. 

Graphs - Available.jpg

Our Children are from all over the region, but mostly the Rio Grande Valley, Corpus Christi and Laredo. 

Throughout the entire region most of our children are over the age of 12.

Where are our children and youth from?

How old are the children and youth?

Nueces County

Ages - Nueces.jpg

Webb County

Ages - Webb.jpg

Cameron County

Ages - Cameron.jpg

Hidalgo County

Ages - Hildago.jpg
Ages - Other.jpg

All other Counties

What is the gender of the children and youth?

The gender ratio is even throughout the whole region, where a little over half of the children and youth are female. 

Chart - Gender.jpg
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