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Hello, I am...

16 Years Old


Hi! My name is Cory. I am 16 years old. I am in the 11th grade. I have a great love for law enforcement and the military. I am happy to say that I am currently participating in my school’s JROTC program. I take pride in wearing my uniform and washing it to ensure that I look professional in it. I also enjoy learning about the weather, natural disasters, and scientific facts. I like to watch the news to know what the weather is in my area and if there are any natural disasters taking place around the world to be informed. I strive to either have a career related to studying the weather or protecting and serving in a law enforcement field. On a nice day, I enjoy riding my bike, scooter, or jumping in a pool to cool off. I also enjoy spending time inside by watching tv shows, playing all types of video games, and challenging myself with putting together difficult Lego sets. It doesn’t take me long to complete a challenging Lego set as I usually focus on it and nothing else until it is completed entirely. I have a great love and interest for different critters, so I would be thrilled to have any type of pets. I would love a family that has ample time to spend with me and I am eager to be a part of a family. I would love a family to talk to about all my interests, to also try new adventures with a family who will love and care for me unconditionally.


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